Code of Ethics and 231 Standard

SERMAG SRL has always been sensitive to the need to ensure conditions of correctness and transparency in conducting business, has deemed compliant with the company policies the adoption of the Organization and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.

 This initiative, that goes along with the issuing of The Code of Ethics, has been taken with the conviction that the implementation of an organisational model, even if still optional, can be a valid awareness tool for anyone that operates in name and on behalf of the Company. And thus, ensuring a competitive advantage born from wanting to be an “intrinsically legitimate company”, going beyond just imperative laws.

The Code of Ethics issued by Sermag’s administrative body enunciates the ethics value and principles of conduct by which the Company informs its own business activity, and it is designed not only to inspire the Company activity, but also to orient the behaviour of everyone with which the Company gets in touch with during its activity, with the goal to pair the efficiency and seriousness of the Company with and ethical conduct.

The documents are available (in Italian) below for download.